Monday, March 2, 2015

How to Find an Event Planning Job (5 Tips)

While finding a job can be difficult at times, it is important that you stay persistent and keep submitting resumes. If you start to get discouraged with your search, take extra time to analyse your resume and make sure you are submitting the best possible applications. Sometimes employers require very specific application procedures so be sure you read their ad carefully and abide by their application process. Below are a few tips you can use to land your dream job.

Tip 1: Determine your Skill Set

The first step to take is to properly determine your skill set. Determining which skills you possess that help set you apart from the competition will allow you to create a much more focused resume. Take an honest assessment of your best and worst skills. Brainstorm and write them all down – highlight the positive skills and figure out how to spin the negatives into positives. You will be able to highlight the different characteristics you possess that make you a perfect candidate for an event planning job.

Be sure to highlight and apply your best characteristics for how they relate to the event planning world. You want to make it as clear as possible to an employer that you have what it takes to get the job done. Taking an honest assessment of your skills prior to applying will help you put your best foot forward on your resume and in interviews.

Tip 2: Tailor your Resume to Each Job Opening

This tip is obvious but you would be shocked at how many applicants copy and paste the same resume, cover letter and email to every employer, regardless of the job criteria. This is a huge mistake and by simply applying this tip you will put yourself ahead of 50 – 60% of job applicants.

Every event planning job opening will require a slightly different skill set. Carefully reading the job description and day to day responsibilities expected will allow you to tailor your resume to highlight your previous work experience that directly correlates to the skill set an employer is seeking.

Submitting a resume that is laser focused on the skills required for a specific position will greatly increase your chances of landing that job as you will be able to demonstrate your experience within the event planning industry that specifically match that job opening.

Tip 3: Apply your Skill Set to Event Planning

While you may consider yourself an organised individual, simply listed “organised” on your resume will not get you far when seeking a job within the events industry. Rather than listing generic traits and qualities, you will want to mention specific tasks you handled at previous jobs that demonstrate your organisational skills.

For instance, if you were in charge of putting together a guest list for a large event, you could state that the number of guests you added to the list, number of invitations sent out and the time frame within which you accomplished these tasks. This will give a future employer a much better understanding as to your ability to meet deadlines and complete tasks as instructed.

Tip 4: Use Modern Job Search Strategies

The way people are searching for a job is changing with advancements in technology. Specifically, the way people network is vastly different than it was 10-15 years ago. Making use of social media websites to network with influential people and decision makers in the events industry is a terrific way to meet other industry professionals and further your career. Often times when a company is hiring they will look through their LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter connections before looking outside of their immediate network.

Finding new and unique ways to network with people who are currently employed in the industry is one of the best ways to improve your chances of landing your dream job. One example is conducting informational interviews with executives at planning companies. Try doing informational interviews with events people in different niches – social events, corporate events, weddings, meeting planners, etc so you get the full spectrum of job responsibilities. Another example is to follow up via email with everyone you meet within 24 hours so they remember you. People meet many other people at networking events so you want to make sure you stand out above others by following up right away before you need to call on a favour.

Using this strategy will get your name and resume in front of decision makers who may eventually have a position open up at their company.

Tip 5: Keep Learning the Latest Event Trends

Perhaps the most important thing you can do is continue to stay on top of the latest trends, news and goings-on within the industry. Event planning is a dynamic field where things change. You must always be up-to-date on your knowledge of best practices and industry events.

If you are going through a prolonged period of unemployment, you could internship or volunteer at events to keep your skills sharp. Lack of experience is often the biggest obstacle a new job seeker faces. Without real-world event planning experience, it is difficult to demonstrate to an employer that you have what it takes to get the job done on a consistent basis.

Taking time to volunteer with local organisations or intern with smaller event planning businesses will enable you to gain valuable work experience that you can put on your resume to show you are doing everything that you can to land an event planning career. The more related work experience you can put on your resume the better your chances of landing the job.

Using the tips outlined in this article should help you perfect the process of capturing the attention of decision makers who will be hiring you.

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